Paint Protection Film Installation Instructions


I am Doug, the founder and CEO of DockCharged. Thank you so much for using our products! If you have any questions, feel free to call or text me at ‪(657) 204-0734‬. I will help guide you. Also, if you want to test our brand new charger, DockCharged, please contact me!  DockCharged can help save you up to $100 and 5 hours per month by reducing your reliance on superchargers. On with the instructions!

Materials and Tools Needed


  1. Paint Protection Film (pre-cut or bulk roll, as per your car's size)
  2. Slip Solution (self-made or pre-packaged)
  3. Tack Solution (self-made or pre-packaged)
  4. Cleaning solution (Isopropyl alcohol or dedicated PPF cleaner)
  5. Microfiber towels
  6. Squeegee with a felt edge
  7. Utility knife with fresh blades
  8. Heat gun or infrared lamp
  9. Measuring tape
  10. Spray bottles (for slip and tack solutions)
  11. Lint-free gloves
  12. Dust-free workspace (garage or clean area)
  13. Masking tape
  14. Soft bristle brush

Slip Solution Ingredients:

  • Distilled water
  • Few drops of baby shampoo or dedicated slip solution concentrate
  • A couple of drops of Isopropyl alcohol (optional)

Tack Solution Ingredients:

  • Isopropyl alcohol
  • Distilled water

Ratio for Slip Solution: Mix approximately 32 ounces (1 quart) of distilled water with a few drops of baby shampoo and 2-3 drops of Isopropyl alcohol. Adjust the quantity according to your needs, ensuring the solution is slippery but not overly soapy.

Ratio for Tack Solution: Mix equal parts Isopropyl alcohol and distilled water to create a tacky solution. A 50/50 ratio should work well.

Step-by-Step Installation Guide


  1. Choose a Suitable Workspace: Ensure you have adequate lighting and a dust-free environment for the installation.

  2. Prepare Your Car: Wash your car thoroughly, ensuring it's free from dirt, wax, and contaminants. Use the cleaning solution and microfiber towels.

  3. Measure and Cut PPF: Measure the areas you want to protect, then cut the PPF with a little extra margin for adjustment. Pre-cut kits are also available for specific car models.

Application of Slip Solution:

  1. Prepare Slip Solution: Mix the slip solution following the recommended ratio (as mentioned above).

  2. Spray the Car: Liberally apply the slip solution to the surface where you'll apply PPF. This solution prevents the film from sticking prematurely.

Application of Paint Protection Film:

  1. Peel the Backing: Carefully peel the backing of the PPF, exposing the adhesive side. It's essential to work slowly and avoid touching the adhesive.

  2. Align and Apply: Position the PPF over the car's surface, aligning it carefully. Begin applying from one end and gradually work your way across. Use your hands to smooth out the film and avoid wrinkles or bubbles.

  3. Use Squeegee: After initial placement, use the squeegee to push out any air bubbles and excess slip solution. Start from the center and move outwards in all directions. The felt edge of the squeegee prevents scratching.

Trimming and Finalization:

  1. Trim the Excess: Use a utility knife with a fresh blade to trim the excess film along the edges. Ensure the blade is sharp for a clean cut.

  2. Heat for Adhesion: Use a heat gun or infrared lamp to gently heat the PPF, aiding in adhesion and conforming it to the car's contours. Be cautious not to overheat, which can damage the film.

  3. Final Squeegee: Reapply the squeegee to any remaining air bubbles, pushing them towards the edges.

  4. Inspect and Clean: Carefully inspect the installed PPF for imperfections, bubbles, or debris. If necessary, lift the affected area, reapply slip solution, and use the squeegee to smooth it out.

  5. Let it Cure: Allow the PPF to cure for at least 24 hours. Avoid washing or exposing it to rain during this time.

Cleaning and Maintenance:

  1. Cleaning: Regularly clean the PPF with a dedicated cleaner or Isopropyl alcohol and a lint-free cloth to maintain its appearance.

Congratulations! You've successfully installed Paint Protection Film on your car. Remember that PPF installation requires patience and attention to detail, so take your time to achieve the best results.