Hello, Dockcharged community!
Remember Dockcharged? Our system that charges at Level 2 speeds but doesn't need a dedicated parking spot, an expensive 220V installation, just your regular 110V outlet? Yes, that Dockcharged. The one that uses smart software and batteries to harvest and store energy when you're not charging your car, and rapidly charges your car when you return.
Well, we have exciting news! After a year of dedication and numerous prototypes, we're delighted to announce that our Beta units are ready for shipping. And yes, they're portable. So portable, in fact, that each modular section weighs just 42lbs and fits neatly inside my Model 3.
Our journey from the alpha unit has been remarkable. What was once a 600 lbs, $20k unit is now a streamlined, portable system that sits in your trunk, ready to provide Level 2 charging speed from any standard 110V outlet.
But before we send these units out into the world, we want to make sure we're serving our community in the best way possible. So, we're inviting you to be part of our Beta testing plan.
Here's the plan: We have two units ready for testing. You can keep a unit for two weeks - the first two weeks are on us, and if you like it, you'll be able to rent it monthly. If it's not for you, we'll take it back, no questions asked. I will personally deliver it to you, working around your schedule. All we ask in return is a minute of your time each week to fill out a short survey.
Here is a video of it working: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbDtBGZxLwQ
Next steps? We're already working on optimizing cost, size, and user experience. We're developing 8-10 more units, aiming to continually enhance performance in terms of size, weight, and cost. Expect more blog posts documenting the process and sharing updates on our tech.
Your feedback is vital in this journey. It's not just about making Dockcharged better, it's about making electric cars mainstream, breaking down the barriers of EV adoption, and helping our planet transition away from fossil fuels towards renewable energy. Thank you for your continued support.
We're looking forward to delivering the Dockcharged Beta to your doorstep soon.
Stay charged,
The Dockcharged Team - Doug, Javier, Chris, and Cristian